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Ninth District Auxiliary operational limits

Ninth District instruction 1679.4  May 24 2013
Auxiliary surface patrol facility operating limits

Towing - General rule - should limit towing conditions to calm winds w/ seas < 2 ft
Visibility - without radar - not start patrol with visibility or forecast of < 2 nm
Visibility - with radar - not start patrol with visibility of <  1/2 nm - 1000 yds

Search patterns

  Sector Search - VS
  Square Search
  Creeping Line
  Parallel  Track Line
  Track Line


  Dead Reckoning - DR
  Last Known Position -  LKP
  Commence Search Point - CSP

  Datum -  free floating marker placed at the start of the Sector Search.


VS - Sector search
The VS pattern will be run in its entirety with track spacing between 200 to 500 yds. The first leg shall be the direction of drift with all turns made 120 degrees to the right, within 15 seconds of their DR time. On the third, sixth, and ninth legs, steer toward the datum marker. The third, sixth and ninth legs shall end at the datum marker regardless of time run, the fourth and seventh legs are run as individual legs.
Establish electronic position of LKP (Last Known Position) an determine safe area.
Plot route to the LKP.
Calculate DR times (time at turn, depth and direction segment) and time to run.
Brief crew on initial SAR check sheet items
Coxswain, pass search plans to coms watch.
Search Pattern Execution
Assign forward and rear watch & get boat underway to travel to LKP. 
Assign lookouts (starboard - Port) and if CSP has been calculated then travel to CSP.
Drop datum marker overboard at CSP [Commence Search Point].
Determine set and drift
Using the set and drift determined, calculate the compass heading for the legs of search pattern.
Position the Port watch to have a clear view. Remind the crewman assigned to port watch that
If available crew then assign a person to the starboard watch. If not the Coxswain and Helmsman have the responsibility of the starboard watch.  Remember this crewman will be responsible to maintain a visual of the Datum.
Inform Coms the current location of the datum,  on scene weather and start time of the pattern. [The first SRU on scene for a search mission should deploy a datum marker upon arrival; time, position, and description of the datum marker should be reported to the SMC.]
Station MC this is PIE-SAR on Channel 21.
We are at CSP, datum location is   - Numbers 42 decimal 21 degrees  North  082 decimal 48 Degrees West.
The on scene weather is Clear/cloudy/foggy/raining wind out of the ?, waves 0/1/2/3 feet visibility N miles.
Go up wind of the CSP (Datum) establish direction and speed with GPS while traveling toward Datum.
Start pattern within 100 yds of CSP (datum).
Record CSP by setting a Mark in the GPS.
First leg in direction of drift (000 C if no drift)
Announces time at 45 seconds in to leg and announces the new heading or drive to datum, starts counting down at 10 seconds into the leg. “Come to a heading of ??? degrees in 10, 9, 8 ...1 seconds.
Helmsman will complete the turn when the 10 seconds are up.   The helms man will announce the heading when the turn is complete. “on Heading ???”.
Third, sixth and ninth legs drive to datum.
Finish the pattern. 
Pass final position of datum marker to coms.
Second pass with a start 30 degrees to the right of the first leg
VS two units the second unit will start 90 degrees left of the first leg.

3rd year to do list - Crew

_____ Member prints forms: “Crewmember - underway Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride” Enclosure 1 - N16794-51A, Appendix G QE Request Form, and Appendix F Third Year Currency Maintenance found in manual “Underway Currency Maintenance Auxiliary Boat crew Training manual” M16794.51A

_____ Member reviews Enclosure 1 and prints Name and member number on top of each page.

____ Member meets with FSO-IS. When the FSO-IS is satisfied that the member is not in any of the following; Not in REWRK, Not in REYR, has atleast 12 Hours of underway time. Completed mandatory training. Completed ICS classes (coxswain 200-210-800) Crew (100-700). TCT 4/8 hr current (completed last 5 years), TCT 1hr refresher current (annually) will sign Appendix F and gives the member a copy of the member’s “Individual Training Report”.

_____ Member meets with FC/VFC/FSO-MT/BCTC/SO-MT to review if member has maintained the knowledge and skills for a 3rd year check ride.

_____ Member meets with the FC/VFC/FSO-OP/FSO-MT to check the availability of two vessels that will participate in the on-water mission. Gets a primary and secondary dates for the evolution.

_____ FC/FSO-MT/BCTC/SO-MT submits form “QE Request form” found in appendix G, along dates of scheduled mission dates to the AQEC. (note: multiple members maybe on the form)

_____ AQEC will schedule a QE and notify member and the assigned QE of the mission date and time.

_____ The vessel owners or Coxswains will schedule the mission in AOM and request approval for the missions for the date of the QE evolution.

_____ QE reviews Year Currency Maintenance (Appendix F M16794.51A) and Individual Training report to insure compliance.

_____ Member performs tasks at the underway mission, in presence of the QE. The QE Approves each task as it is performed.

_____ When all tasks are satisfactorily completed, the QE will complete “Third Year Currency Maintenance” (Appendix F) sign and date the the appropriate block on the form.

____ QE will forward the completed forms (Appendix 7 - Third year currency Maintenance & appropriate Enclosure 1 - “Underway Currency Maintenance / Recertification Check Ride ) to the OTO.

When all the tasks are complete the OTO will make the entries that will reflect that the member has completed the 3rd year requirements in AUXDATA.